African Behavioral Responses Against COVID-19 (ABRA-COVID-19)  [24.11.20]

The Research Funding Department of the University of Hohenheim and the Research and Innovation Office of the University of Tübingen jointly funded the new collaborative project titled “African Behavioral Responses Against COVID-19” (ABRA-COVID-19).


Controlling the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 Virus requires both advances in medical technology and appropriate human behavior. In Africa, due to the degree of labor market informality and weak social safety nets, high compliance to public health guidelines is indispensable to avoid long-lasting consequences of the current pandemic. Insights from behavioral economics (i.e. nudging theory) could be central to effective disease control planning and implementation.

The recently funded ABRA COVID-19 project, a joint collaboration among the Universities of Hohenheim, Tübingen and Nairobi, aims at providing insights into the effectiveness of nudging on the adherence to public health guidelines for the case of Kenya within an interdisciplinary approach that encompasses economics and psychology.


Principal Investigator University of Hohenheim: Dr. Hamid R. Oskorouchi

Principal Investigator University of Tübingen: Prof. Dr. Jennifer Svaldi

Coordinator at the University of Nairobi (Kenya): Dr. Catherine Nkirote Kunyanga

Supporting partners in Kenya: Kenyan Ministry of Health, Division of Health Surveillance and Response



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