Prof. Dr. Alfonso Sousa-Poza
Akademischer Kurzlebenslauf
seit 2007 | Fachgebietsleiter an der Universität Hohenheim |
bis 2007 | Privatdozent an der Universität St. Gallen und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am FAA-HSG |
2003 | Habilitation an der Universität St. Gallen mit der venia legendi für das Fach Volkswirtschaftslehre |
1999 | Dissertation an der Universität St. Gallen, Dr.oec.HSG |
1996 | Ökonomiestudium an der Hochschule St. Gallen, lic.oec.HSG |
1990 | Informatikstudium an der University of Capetown, BSc |
CV Prof. Dr. Alfonso Sousa-Poza |
Ämter, Funktionen & Mitgliedschaften
- Research Fellow, IZA, Bonn
- Member of the Research Committee on health Economics, German Economic Association
- Editor, Journal of the Economics of Aging
- Altersökonomik
- Bevölkerungsökonomik
- Gesundheitsökonomik
- Subjective Wellbeing Forschung
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Meng, F., Nie, P., & Sousa-Poza, A. (2023). Obesity inequality and well-being in Germany. Economics & Human Biology, 49, 101236. | |
Meng, F., Nie, P., & Sousa-Poza, A. (2023). The intangible costs of overweight and obesity in Germany. Health Economics Review, 13(1), 14. | |
Nie, P./ Wang, L./ Dragone, D./ Lu, H./ Sousa-Poza, A./ Ziebarth, N. R. (2022) „’The better you feel, the harder you fall’: Health perception biases and mental health among Chinese adults during the COVID-19 pandemic”, China Economic Review 71, 101708. | |
Oskorouchi, H.R./ Sousa-Poza, A. (2021), "Floods, food security, and coping strategies: Evidence from Afghanistan", Agricultural Economics 52 (1), 123-140. | |
Zhu, Z./ Ma,W./ Sousa-Poza, A./ Leng, C. (2022), "The effect of internet usage on perceptions of social fairness: Evidence from rural China", China Economic Review, 101508. | |
Nie, P./ Ding, L./ Sousa-Poza, A. (2019), "Obesity inequality and the changing shape of the bodyweight distribution in China", China Economic Review, 58, 101348. | |
Nie, P./ Ding, L./ Sousa-Poza, A. (2019), "Decomposing adult obesity trends in China (1991-2011)", Economics & Human Biology (forthcoming). | |
Alameddine, M./ Otterbach, S./ Rafii, B./ Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), "Work hour constraints in the German nursing workforce: A quarter of a century in review", Health Policy 122 (10), 1101-1108. | |
Kaiser, M./ Reutter, M./ Sousa-Posa, A./ Strohmaier, K. (2018), "Smoking and local unemployment: Evidence from Germany", Economics & Human Biology 29, 138-147. | |
Nie, P./ Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), "Commute time and subjective well-being in urban China", China Economic Review 48, 188-204. | |
Nie, P./ Leon, AA./ Sánchez, MED/ Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), "The rise in obesity in Cuba from 2001 to 2010: An analysis of national survey on risk factors and chronic disease data", Economics & Human Biology 28, 1-13. | |
Nie, P./ Sousa-Poza, A./ He, X. (2015), "Peer effects on childhood and adolescent obesity in China", China Economics Review, 35: 47-69. | |
Gwozdz, W./ Sousa-Poza, A. et al. (2015), "Peer effects on obesity in a sample of european Children", Economics and Human Biology, 18: 139-152. | |
Nie, P./ Otterbach, S./ Sousa-Poza, A./ (2015), "Work time and health in China", China Economics Review, 33: 212-229 | |
Gwozdz, W./ Sousa-Poza, A. et al. (2013), "Mental Employment and Child Obesity: A European Perspective", Journal of Health Economics, 32: 728-742. | |
Bloom, D.E./ Sousa-Poza, A. (2013), "Aging and productivity: introduction", Labour Economics, 22:1-4. | |
Fischer, J.A./ Sousa-Poza, A. (2009), "Job satisfaction and health: an analysis using panel data and objective health measures", Health Economics, 18: 71-89. | |
Sousa-Poza, A./ Ziegler, A. (2003), "Asymmetric information about Workers' productivity as a cause for inefficient long working hours", Labour Economics, 10 (6): 727-747. | |
Sousa-Poza, A./ Schmid, H./ Widmer, R. (2001), "The allocation and value of time assigned to housework and child-care: an analysis for Switzerland", Journal of Population Economics, 14:599-618. Retained in Vogler, M./ Zimmermann, K.F, (eds.) (2003), Family, Household and Work, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. | |